Walden Won!

The participants of the Ragnar Relay voted for Walden (Exchange #9 -Thruway Parking Lot) as their favorite! Thank you WBA members for your help and most especially Donna Hall and the NY School of Music for creating a “fun” atmosphere… a grant toward...

Walden Trustee Norman passes away

Trustee Midge Norman passed away on Wednesday 5/18… please keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers… Below is our official statement on behalf of the Village of Walden… “Midge was and will forever remain a true Walden treasure. Her...

NYSEG Power Shutdowns – Update

Due to this week’s inclement weather, the scheduled power outages have been moved to next Tuesday (5/24) and Thursday (5/26) with Wednesday & Friday rain dates. Tuesday (5-17) NYSEG will be turning power at off at 10:00 AM for approx 5 minutes to convert...

The Ragnar Relay is coming to Walden this weekend.

The Ragnar Relay is a 200 mile relay race across New York State. Thruway Market parking lot has been designated as Exchange #9, with as many as 2500 people coming through over a twelve hour period.  Tents will be set up, local information, refreshments and medical...