Contact Us

The Village of Walden

1 Municipal Square Walden, NY 12586

Phone: (845) 778-2177

Hotline: (845) 778-4919

Fax: (845) 778-2170

Office Hours: Monday – Thursday: 7:30am -4:30pm & Friday 8am-12pm

Email: info [at] villageofwalden [dot] org

Court Clerk: (845) 778-2177 x1507
Josephine-Louise Public Library: (845) 778-7621
Water Department: (845) 778-2177 x1522
Department of Public Works: (845) 778-2177 x1521
Parks & Recreation: (845) 778-2177 x1524
Police Department: (845) 778-5595                                                                  
Building Department: (845) 778-2177 x1505


Click here for a complete Village Directory.

Or you can fill out the form on the right to send us an email and one of our staff will get back to you shortly.

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Municipal Building

1 Municipal Square Walden, NY 12586