What can go into Single Stream containers

SINGLE STREAM RECYCLING THE FOLLOWING RECYCLABLE MATERIALS MAY BE CO-MINGLED TOGETHER newspapers, magazines, catalogs white and colored paper (lined, copier, computer, staples OK) mail and envelopes (any color, window envelopes OK) paper bags wrapping paper soft-cover...

In anticipation of severe weather…

In the event of severe weather, please call the Walden Hotline (845- 778-4919) for important updates.  In the event of a widespread loss of power this week due to predicted icy conditions, a “warming station” will be set up at the Walden Fire Department,...

Recycling Receptacle Delivery Delayed

Interstate Waste has met with a delay from the manufacturer of the 32 Gallon receptacles promised to Village residents. The new anticipated delivery date is February 8th.

Senior Citizen’s Garbage Discount

Attention Senior Citizens: If you are over the age of 65 and own the home you live in, you may be eligible for a 20% discount on your Refuse bill! Call 778-2177 to receive an application by mail, or click here to download an application or just stop in Village Hall....

Village Elections to be held in March!

Village elections will be held on March 15, 2011 between the hours of 6am and 9pm a the Walden Firehouse, Old Orange Avenue, Walden. This election includes Trustee and Mayoral positions. Information about each of the candidates is routinely published in the Wallkill...