There are 5 members of the planning board serving 5 year staggered terms, one new appointee every year. There is no requirement for appointment except to be a Village resident. Village Manager has the appointment power. Any individuals interested in serving on the Planning Board but express their interest in writing addressed to the Village Manager.
The Planning Board of the Village of Walden is hereby designated as the Architectural Review Board. All members of the Planning Board shall also be members of the Architectural Review Board. The terms of office for both Boards shall run concurrently.
The Planning Board, which also serves as the Inland Wetland Agency (IWA), has statutory responsibility to guide and control commercial, industrial, residential and other forms of land use activity. In addition, the Planning Board has the legal responsibility to prepare a Plan of Conservation and Development for the village and to review all municipal improvement proposals including schools, roads and parks.
The Planning Board exercises controls over land use by dividing the village’s land into various residential, commercial, industrial and institutional zones and regulating, through Zoning and Subdivision Regulations, the nature of uses, structures and site improvements that can take place. Planning and Zoning standards and land use review processes take into consideration the Village’s natural, historic and cultural resources, potential traffic, environmental and neighborhood impacts, fiscal and legal considerations and other factors raised through the Village’s public review processes.
The Planning Board normally meets the third Monday of each month. Public hearings allow citizens to comment on all proposed changes to the Plan of Conservation and Development, the Zoning Map, Zoning and Subdivision regulations and special permit applications. Legal notices are published in a local newspaper prior to any public hearing. Citizens may also comment on proposed subdivisions and other land use applications. Planning Board members or any individual can initiate proposals for revisions to the Plan of Conservation and Development, Zoning map or land use regulations.
Planning Board Members
- Chairman: Zac Pearson
- John Thompson
- Jennifer Muehlen
- Basil Stewert
- William Taylor
- Jerry Hanen (Alternate)
- Cesar Bobadilla (Alternate)
Regular Meeting: Third Monday of the month at 7:30pm in the 3rd Floor Community Room at Village Hall