2013 Lead Safe Orange
Lead Based Paint Hazard Reduction Program
The Orange County Office of Community Development has received funds from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to get the lead out of residential housing built prior to 1978, the year lead additives to paint used in residential construction was banned. The Program’s goal is to prevent lead poisoning in small children by making interior and exterior housing components lead safe.
Homeowners and landlords in Orange County of pre-1978 houses or apartments may be eligible for lead hazard reduction work up to $10,000 per residential housing unit.
The County will perform testing for lead-based paint hazards on both the interior and exterior surfaces of buildings and where necessary repair or replace and paint deteriorated surfaces; windows and window trim; doors, casing and door jambs; baseboard moldings.
For additional information about the Program and eligibility requirements, call Lead Safe Orange at (845) 615-3811.