Notice is hereby given that the Village Board of the Village of Walden, County of Orange, State of New York, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 1st day of November, 2022, did adopt a Resolution petitioning and requesting the Town of Montgomery to extend the boundaries of the existing Town of Montgomery Ambulance District to include the Village of Walden in its entirety in the said District which Resolution further consented to the extension of said District to include the Village of Walden.
Notice is further given that this Resolution shall take effect as provided by law unless there shall be filed with the Village Clerk in the manner and time provided by Village Law a petition in proper form and containing sufficient signatures requesting that the subject matter of the said Resolution be submitted to the electors of the Village for their approval or disapproval at a referendum as provided by Law.
Dated: November 3, 2022
Marisa Kraus
Village Clerk