PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden will hold a Public Hearing on June 21, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as can be heard at the Village Hall, One Municipal Square, Walden, NY 12586 to consider public comment and suggestions regarding projects to be considered for funding under the Orange County Community Development Program. 

The Village invites public comments and suggestions regarding projects to be considered for funding under the Orange County Community Development Block Grant Program. Under this Program a variety of physical improvements as listed below are eligible for funding: acquisition and disposition or real property; public works, public facilities or site improvements;  code enforcement (housing and health codes); clearance, demolition and rehabilitation for public use or economic development; housing rehabilitation loan and grants; special projects for elderly and handicapped; provision of public services (shelter, clinics, senior nutrition, etc); payment of non-federal shares of other grant programs; relocation payments and assistance.  The Village will be considering projects to be submitted to the Orange County Community Development Block Grant Program.  The deadline for submittal is June 24, 2022.

The Village Board will at the above date, time and place hear all persons interested in the subject matter hereof.  Persons may appear in person or by agent.  All written communications addressed to the Board must be received by the Board at or prior to the public hearing.  Comments can also be provided via email before and during the meeting to John Revella – Village Manager at  


                                                                        BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES
                                                                        OF THE VILLAGE OF WALDEN
                                                                        MARISA KRAUS, VILLAGE CLERK