Please take note that a public comment period is now open for the Orange County Transportation Council (OCTC) Long Range Transportation Plan update. The draft plan update document is posted on the long range plan page at the OCTC website: The draft document is intended for review in order that feedback can be incorporated prior to the OCTC Executive Committee meeting on December 8, 2011 at 2PM at 33 Airport Center Drive, Stewart International Airport, New Windsor at which the LRTP update will be on the agenda for consideration of adoption. Comments will be accepted until December 5th.
To facilitate review, three regional public information meetings are being held:
Southeast – Weds, Nov. 9, 2011, Woodbury Village Hall (Fire House), 455 Rte. 32
Mid & Western – Tues, Nov. 15, 2011, Wallkill Town Hall, 99 Tower Dr.
Northeast – Thurs, Nov. 17, 2011, Walden Village Hall, One Municipal Square
All meetings begin at 7:00 PM.
OCTC Technical Committee members including NYS Dept of Transportation, NYS Thruway Authority, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority Metro North Railroad and Orange County Planning will make presentations and be available to respond to questions and suggestions for the plan update.
As part of this process, transportation / air quality conformity determinations have been prepared for two air pollution non-attainment areas which include the county (ozone & fine particulate matter). These documents analyze the potential impacts on air quality of transportation projects in the OCTC Long-Range Transportation Plan, as well as the recently adopted 2011-2015 Transportation Improvement Program. The conformity process is required by the Clean Air Act and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations. The draft determinations show that transportation projects in both the plan update and the recently approved TIP will not cause new air quality violations, worsen existing conditions, or delay timely attainment of National Ambient Air Quality Standards in accordance NYS Implementation Plan to improve air quality and EPA regulations. These documents are also posted at the long range plan page of the OCTC website and will also be on the 12/8/2011 Executive Committee agenda for consideration of adoption.
Comments on the plan update and the draft conformity determinations should be directed by December 5, 2011 to John Czamanske, Deputy Planning Commissioner at or by phone 845-615-3844.