Helpful Resources
Orange County Government Web Site
Orange County Chamber of Commerce
Town of Montgomery Chamber of Commerce
Valley Central School District
Town of Montgomery Conservation Advisory Council (CAC)
Josephine Louise Library: (845) 778-7621
Water Department: (845) 778-2177 x1522
Department of Public Works: (845) 778-2177 x1521
Parks & Recreation: (845) 778-2177 x1524
Garbage Company: To order extra services such as 1 time Bulk item pick up (at your own cost) call (845) 572-3300
For Garbage Service issues (ie: missed pick up, broken toters) call the Village Clerk at 845-778-2177 x1503 or email:
Verizon (Telephone/Internet/Cable Services)
The Walden Sunshine Society: Anita Vandermark (845) 778-7772 or Ginny McFadden (845) 778-7236 or Rebecca McNally (845) 527-1221 or Sue Van Dyne (845) 778-3532
(Loans out medical equipment for free for 3 month time periods. Equipment includes: wheelchairs, shower chairs, potty chairs, crutches and canes.)
Sustainable Montgomery (information regarding 10% challenge)